

Since we will be seeing opera this Friday, I thought it would be fitting to share a video I saw a while back.

I have never been to an opera before, so I probably can’t judge. However, this was just incomprehensible to my ears, and I just felt that I had to share this with everybody. Hopefully, if anything, it’ll make Two Boys better in comparison.

Beware those of you using earphones; I apologize in advance.

And while we’re in the musical mood,



One thought on “Opera?

  1. A little background info would be helpful:

    “Florence Foster Jenkins (July 19, 1868 – November 26, 1944) was an American amateur operatic soprano who was known—and ridiculed—for her lack of rhythm, pitch, and tone; her aberrant pronunciation; and her generally poor singing ability. . . .

    “Despite her patent lack of ability, Jenkins apparently was firmly convinced of her greatness. She compared herself favorably to the renowned sopranos Frieda Hempel and Luisa Tetrazzini, and dismissed the abundant audience laughter during her performances as “professional jealousy.” She was aware of her critics, but never let them stand in her way: ‘People may say I can’t sing,’ she said, ‘but no one can ever say I didn’t sing’ ” (Wikipedia).

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