
“The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live.”

“I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

“If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater the effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders — what would you tell him to do? I don’t know. What could he do? What would you tell him? To shrug.”

So I’ve been meaning to post this all semester, but never got around to it. Not the #1 blogger here. But these are few words from one of the most amazing authors/philosphers Ayn Rand. Those of you who haven’t heard of her, she’s written such works as Atlas Shrugged, Anthem, The Fountainhead, and a few more strictly on her philosophy Objectivism. I LOVE Rand. I think her thoughts are really interesting. Ever since reading her stuff, I’ve thought of a lot of things.

As in, why does morality preach that being selfish is wrong, and selfless is good? Doesn’t selfless mean…without a self?? And why is it so wrong, such a horrible thing to say: I love myself. And to think that I am better than others? And that not all people are equal? A lot of you are probably hating me right now….but it just doesn’t make sense to me. What makes someone else better than you? And how can anyone see it as rational to put yourself down to make someone else feel better?