Stuff I meant to post last week

So I meant to post this on Wednesday but then I didn’t. Since then I’ve gone and done stuff, in the past few days, which I’ll get around to posting eventually. Like, tomorrow. Probably.

In the meantime, pictures.

From my last visit to the St Denis campus:

Mural thingy:

The stairs and escalators, without barricades!

This still was all blocked, though:

Hey, guess what happened to the showerhead?

A while ago, the fluorescent lamp in the kitchenette stopped working. So to thaw the meat to make fajitas, I had to use the bathroom one:

Speaking of those fajitas:
A bit blurry to see, but Francophones are instructed to pronounce fajitas as “fa-ri-tas.” This, I suppose, because French doesn’t have much of an [h] sound, so the more r-type sound in the Spanish j (which, incidentally, is represented as [x] in Spanish IPA) stands out more to French-speaking ears. Why, yes, I find this fascinating. Don’t you think about these things when you read the back of fajita-kit boxes? …you do read the back of the boxes, right?

Oh, and from the Porte de Clignancourt metro station:
See the little design just under the right end of the flag design? (by the by, in vexillological technical-speak, that’s the fly end, as opposed to the hoist end) That was originally penned over the face of Marianne Faithfull on a poster advertising some concert that she did a month or two back. It’s been entertaining to watch how the graffiti ends up placed over new posters. I think it works nicely on this one, with both the stark primary colors of the flag and the dynamic yet muted photographic background.

Why yes, I did write the above paragraph just to see how over-analytical I could get.

Next post will probably have stuff about the wonders of Deep Southern France (a full 2 hours from Paris!), complete with a quaint traditional celebration that combined electric hurdy-gurdy music and pyromania.

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