The Second Day of the First Day of Classes

No train delays on day two! In fact, I arrived 15 minutes early and chatted with some other students. This class was Modern British Film, and I think I was the only American, but there was a Hungarian girl!

The class is set up differently from the film classes I had at Queens. It’s a one-hour lecture every class on different topics and then every week we switch off from a screening of a film and a small seminar for class discussion.

I’m of mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, the idea of a seminar is a good one. On the other hand, I’ve figured out that classes here are only 11 weeks, as opposed to 15 in America, so I’m already starting out with fewer classes. And it feels awkward to have a film class while watching about 5 films…

But it was a decent class. I’m really excited to see and learn about British film more. I already learned a new genre. Here, “Heritage Film” refers to films that are about/related to British history or valued British texts. Like, King’s Speech or Pride and Prejudice. Cool, right?

Then I had to find my next class, which is specifically aimed at study abroad students. It was in the this extra building connected in the back. It took me three staircases and an elevator to find it. It was a little crazy.

I found it half and hour early, and I just planted myself in a seat and ate my lunch rather than leave.

That class was cool. We’re going to see seven shows on West End and a few theater tours and study theater. The professor seems pretty awesome as well, even though I managed to embarrass myself utterly during the getting-to-know-your-rountable-name-games. (Leora, I know you know what I mean. D:)

Now, I’ve basically confirmed that I don’t have any exams for my classes. Which means, I should be FREE for the THREE WEEKS of exams. FREEDOM IN EUROPE. (Aaron, any advice!?) Now, papers are supposed to be graded much more harshly in this country. So, on the one hand, THREE WEEKS! On the other, OH NO PAPERS. I have to say, I’ve definitely gotten used to the grading standards of my country. And, you know, American spelling. So I’m nervous.

Last night, though, I came home and felt sick. Throat, ears, head. I chatted with a friend about some travel plans for the UK, but I crashed pretty soon after.

I woke up this morning over an hour before my alarm went off because my throat was hurting so much. I spent most of the day on tea on honey, and then Dasi (WHO IS AMAZING) made soup for dinner. Hopefully, hopefully, it’s just a one-day cold. It’s awful being sick in a foreign country.

So today I did very little, hoping that if I didn’t stress myself it would go away. I very much do not want to figure out the medial system here.

FUN FACT OF THE DAY: When our electric kettle is ready it makes a whistling noise LIKE A ROCKET LAUNCHER. WOOOOOOoooOOOOoooo. It’s hilarious, but Dasi and I will probably kill it at some point.

FUN FACT OF THE DAY THE SECOND: Our stovetop turns off every 15 minutes. I assume this is so we won’t accidentally burn down the dorm as we might if we were typical non-cooking idiot college students. But as both Dasi and I have cooking experience, it is extremely frustrating.

Tomorrow I’m off to shabbos at a friend’s house, who I haven’t seen in years and years. I’m really excited about it!

(SARAH W/K, HERE IS YOUR SPECIAL MESSAGE: Are you or are you not coming to France for Pesach??? THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!)

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4 Responses to The Second Day of the First Day of Classes

  1. Aaron says:

    First of all, your life rocks right now.
    Second, when is your three week chunk? Where you go depends on the season…
    Thirdly, the medical system is fine, though I hope you do not get sick.
    Have fun!

    • Hi Aaron!
      My life is CRAZY right now. Ooooh, my chunk of time is the end of May/1st week of June. I have the dates…somewhere….
      I’m not worried about the medical system failing. I just don’t want to take the time to figure it out because I could be seeing the Tate Modern instead, or something.
      Having fun!

  2. Chaya/Rachel :) says:

    Missing you tons! I’m so happy to hear you’re having so much fun.
    I did get skype, if you noticed I think I “friend-ed you” or whatever they call it on skype.

    ps Sarah Gross is Engaged!

  3. Bracha says:

    You think your profs would really fault the American for American spelling? My profs just chuckle when I spell colour, or a few other random words with a u. (Thanks Euro-dad for wrecking my spelling haha) And that’s when an American is grading an American!

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