The Past, Present, and Future of Education in NYC

Equity in Education

“In the Paths to education or Litigation for education privilege: New York and San Francisco compared” Floyd M. Hammack talks about the discriminatory policies that can arise out of elite school education process. As a person having attended an “elite school” I can attest that this school provided me with better education opportunities compared to other schools in my district, but I do not think that the specialized high school system was intended to be inherently discriminatory. I think the problem is more prominent in the Los Angeles admission policies for Chinese students that Hammack talked about, and the honors programs that high schools offer in their schools to sprite the students that do well based on their GPA and other education measures. The specialized high school turned out to admit disproportionality Asian and white students, but I believe that it is more fair than other program in that everyone has one shot of applying through a test that does not discriminate based on prior achievements that Maye have been influenced by personal factors. The SHSAT allows all students equal chance to an “elite school” through testing policy that then allows all students in the school to pursue similar academic opportunities in the school.

However, I recognize that there is no equity in the preparation for preparation  and Hammack’s quote., “all education credentials have not been created equal, nor do all citizens have equal access to education opportunities” applies to students preparing for the elite schools admission processes where some students have more resources to prepare for these test, and other have less.

1 Comment

  1. jkafka

    I had a little trouble following this one, Kash. Do you mean that although equality of opportunity in preparation for the SHSAT may be elusive, the system is still better than an alternative? And do I understand your reference to LA to mean San Francisco?

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