Original post: http://macaulayhunterblog.blogspot.com/2010/10/i-have-to-agree-with-jemi-if-were-going.html

I have to agree with Jemi – if we’re going to get a day off, it should be elections day or veterans day. As it is I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to work a trek home to Brooklyn to vote into my busy Tuesday schedule (10 – 1 Internship, 3 – 6 Babysit, 6:30 – 7:30 tutor). But I’ve still got some time to sort that out…

In the meanwhile, the day we DID get off was Columbus day, which, as Jemi said, everyone gets off! Or at least my boyfriend did as well, so we’re in Boston visiting a good friend of ours at Harvard. I feel like I deserve a weekend off in the middle of midterms (first one was Wednesday, one on this coming Thursday, two the Thursday after that) but I am already anticipating the enormous amount of work to come as projects’ and papers’ due dates loom just around the corner from midterms…

But for now, a nice quiet night. Harvard apparently banned parties tonight, since tomorrow is LSATs (which I might be taking in a year; ahhh!) so we’re just going to watch a movie. I hope everyone has as nice and relaxing Columbus Day weekend as I am!