Original post: http://macaulayhunterblog.blogspot.com/2010/10/msc-midterms-pacha.html

Sorry I missed doing my posting last week. I was elected to the Macaulay Scholars Council, had the first meeting on Friday, was working on a take-home midterm over the weekend (which I’m still working on, as it’s due Monday) and had a midterm yesterday.

Since being elected to the MSC, I’ve actually been pretty busy working on getting some of my ideas implemented, such as SING! at Macaulay, a Cultural Passport Scavenger Hunt, and an expanded and improved MSC website. Plus I’ll be helping out at the next MSC event, the annual Halloween party at Macaulay next Friday, which I’ve heard is a ton of fun.

At this point I still have three midterms left (STAT and HIST 276.5 both have 2 midterms, and see the next paragraph) and I’ve gotten two back (just took my first STAT midterm yesterday) – both 90%+, and I was pretty happy with both grades.

The take-home midterm for HIST 356 is kicking my butt at the moment because I didn’t really do as much work on it as I should’ve last weekend (decided to party with friends instead) and I’m also fighting off a killer cold/sinus infection/something that is just making me feel awful. I’m paying my dues though – my Friday night spent at my desk at work and hopefully in bed in not too long.

I did get to go out last night however, at Hunter’s annual free night at Pacha. I took my best friend from Macaulay Baruch and we had a good time, leaving a little early to watch the season 2 finale of True Blood at her place (and Season 3 isn’t out yet! what are we going to do?!?! I might try to get her into Mad Men).

Back to the growth of political parties in the Early American Republic!