Original post: http://macaulayhunterblog.blogspot.com/2010/10/invigorating-open-house.html

To sum up this week: stressful. With about six weeks of school left and the massive to-do list of things to get done before then running through my head I was even having trouble enjoying watching Mad Men with my best friend on Thursday night. Luckily, the Macaulay Halloween Party last night was a blast and helped me de-stress a little. And today I went to the Macaulay open house and got to spend a couple hours of talking to prospective students and parents about how amazing Macaulay Hunter is. It reminded me of how appreciative and grateful I am for all that I’ve gotten out of college so far, and helped to re-invigorate me somewhat. So back to work for now, and looking forward to a Halloween Party later.

Enjoy the weekend! As always, feel free to contact me with questions at kt.ohagan@gmail.com