Original post: http://macaulayhunterblog.blogspot.com/2010/11/never-again.html

It seems strange that even though I’ve mastered the art of getting out of bed at 7:20, leaving my dorm at 7:42, and arriving to my 8:10 statistics class just before the professor begins the lecture (aka a 28 minute commute, I dare someone to break that record), I have vowed to never again take a class this early. Though I seem to be able to handle a 9:45 start just fine, apparently, 8:10 is just too early.

It’s a good thing to keep in mind as I work on figuring out my Spring schedule. I remember how easy and fun picking my schedule for fall of last year was – as an undecided major and minor, a freshman with a seemingly infinite amount of courses to take, finding a schedule I liked was easy.

Those days are no more…now planning my schedule and preparing for registration is nerve-wracking and stressful. For example, no less than THREE classes that I want and/or need to take are being offered at the same time. And of course, there is only one section of each of them being offered in the Spring. There’s also the little problem of my science requirement, the only major requirement I have left out of my GERs (General Education Requirements) besides the P/D (Pluralism and Diversity) requirements…which I will almost definitely be putting off until junior year. I have a week until my meeting with my wonderful adviser Fran, who I’m sure will help me wade through the muck of course scheduling, for now, I have plenty of studying to do for my second (!) midterms in History of the Middle East until 1500 and Statistics, not to mention projects for the Macaulay Scholars Council (though we had a wonderful and productive meeting yesterday). But more on those later.

Let’s hope by the next time I post, I have a tentative course plan for you, my readers (although more importantly, for myself).