Original post: http://macaulayhunterblog.blogspot.com/2010/12/more-of-same.html

My best friend wrote this on my facebook wall this morning:

“I hope you don’t explode due to stress overload”

This essentially sums up my feelings at the moment, so you’ll have to excuse me for not having posted in awhile. On my plate at the moment: my term paper for HIST 356, (History of the Early American Republic), which is already 18 pages long, and will probably be close to 25 when finished, my MHC 200 (the third Macaulay Seminar: Science and Technology in New York) oral presentation, which is about 2/3 done, and my Seminar 3 poster presentation: the poster is done, and the bare bones outline of the power point is done, so it just needs an hour spent spicing it up with pictures and rehearsing with my group. Of course, all of these things are due/taking place on Thursday, and it’s not like my STAT 213 (Intro to Statsitics) or HIST 276.5 (History of the Middle East to 1800) have just stopped assigning homework.

The good news is, after Thursday, I’m FREE! Well not completely: there’s still class on Monday, and finals next week, but since the last homework and assignments are all due Thursday, I have the whole weekend to study and Monday’s classes are all review for above mentioned finals.

So this weekend, I’m looking forward to seeing the play my boyfriend is stage managing at NYU and then heading to my house in Brooklyn to help my family trim the tree with my best friend.

All assuming I haven’t exploded.