Welcome to the Spring 2017 Semester of “Positively 4th Street: The Sixties in New York” In class today we’ll spend time brainstorming and discussing what the ’60s were and why NYC was such an important part of that decade. We’ll review the course materials for this semester, and Sara will give a tutorial of creating your own eportfolio.
Imagining the 1960s in New York City.
What is collaborative teaching? What do we want to learn about?
Your view of the sixties versus their (or my) view. He said, she said, history and herstory. A demographic view of NYC then and Now. Did you know that the original title for this course “Positively Fourth Street” derives from a song by Bob Dylan? Why is he an icon for New York City in the 1960s? Why did he win the Nobel Prize for Literature? Who decides what is iconic? How does the 2010s compare to the 1960s or any other decade for that matter. Can you imagine yourself living in New York City in the 1960s?
We will also be planning our field trips and museum visits and discussing course assignments and grading.
For next week we’ll read:
Krase, Jerome. “Introduction” in Seeing Cities Change: Local Culture and Class. (2012).
Krase, Jerome and Judith N. Desena. “Introduction” in Race, Class, and Gentrification in Brooklyn. (2016).