NaNoWriMo and Some of My Own Art

means National Novel Writing Month. Participants have to complete a 50,000 word novel by the end of November, and if they do, they get a certificate. It’s not really a big prize: no publishing rights, just a pdf file people can print out and stick to their dorm walls. But I feel strangely compelled to complete the project this year. I’m around 8,000 words behind the recommended work count for today. I’m at around 14,000 words. But I like my story. And this whole NaNoWriMo is getting me writing, which is pretty important, considering I want to be a novelist.

Here’s a snippet of the novel!

“We’re gonna dam the rivers of grease running through America. We’re gonna redirect its current towards those greasy corporate bulls and release the dam on them, drown them in the fat they created. We’re going to take up all the innocent children in our arms, away from their abusive parents sticking poison grease in their mouths daily, and then we’re going to feed them. Teach them the things their father’s couldn’t. Show them what real tomatoes and potatoes are. We’re going to run the race with the poor obese kids at the forefront, because we’re not dictators. We are the servants of a dying human race, not starving, but burgeoning threatening to explode. We can not fail.”

And as Kevin rambled on, Alexander could only smile in admiration.  Kevin’s childhood scorn, the deaths of his parents, his unexpected optimism to keep forging on to fight against a monopoly of fast food restaurant chains, and his childish ardor and stupid blind belief in himself and Alexander that they, as a team, would be able to eradicate the unctuous evils of the UCA, all made Alexander believe without a doubt, that his friend was truly a superhero worth following and fighting for.

“…Ronald McDonald’s is going to fear what I have in store for him.  I think I still have those martial arts skills from the old days, even though I’m a bit rusty.”  Exhausted from speaking, Kevin sat down at the laboratory table with a bowl of salad in front of his face.  It was an incongruous salad, with green leaves grown by McDonald’s and a vinaigrette smuggled from the United States.  The olives were acquired from the Olive Garden District in southern UCA and the tomatoes were home-grown by Alexander.

It was a salad of America.  It demonstrated the sham of the McDonald’s claim to be healthy and green, the paradox of supposedly organic olives cultivated in a fast food district with soil tainted with industrial grease, the degenerated industry of the old United States of America shown by its resort to smuggling out lowly salad dressing, and the tomato red hearts of a few Americans who believed in purging the UCA of its governors.  Kevin took a bite of the salad and inside his body began the digestion process.  And as the various ingredients of the body were absorbed into his bloodstream and purified by his iron heart, Tofuman began to cleanse America.


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