
Supermarkets in Flushing offer fruits and vegetables not available in Western supermarkets. They have the smelly durian, a spiky fruit that is loved by many eaters who can endure its strong smell. Other fruit unavailable in Western supermarkets include dragonfruit, lychee, and longan. Lotus root, daikon radish, bok choy, Chinese broccoli, yam, and Napa cabbage are stacked in the aisles.

Supermarkets also have aisles of sauces, spices, packages of curry sauce, soup stock, canned vegetables, dried foods, and packages of noodles. These aisles have a variety of brands for customers to choose from. There is also a section for hot pot items, such as fish balls, in the open freezer section.
Live seafood is often crammed in wooden crates, styrofoam boxes, and tanks. The fish have sores especially the ones in the tanks below the killed seafood on styrofoam trays. This illustrates how food in Flushing’s supermarkets may not be safe.
American foods are not always available in supermarkets. CJ Food Market is a small market located on the corner of 39th Avenue and Main Street. It offers a small assortment of sodas and chips. However, in larger supermarkets such as Sky Foods, located in New World Mall, there is an aisle dedicated to American snacks and chips.

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