April, 2012Archive

Apr 22

This year’s JFEW Spring Retreat was as inspiring and relevant as last year’s event (previous post): We kicked off the day with a session led by Ben Messner about “Strengths,” focusing on directing our lives based on our greatest talents. We had all taken an online evaluation that defined our top five strengths and during […]

Apr 22

Passover in Jerusalem!

Posted in An Hour In A Minute, Family Fun!, Holidays!, Comments Off on Passover in Jerusalem!

Spending pesach with my family in Israel is something I’d never done before and was incredibly special. I hadn’t seen my grandparents in over 2 years, my brother, sister and adorable nieces in more than a year. Skype is great and having video chats made it that at least my little nieces recognized me and […]

My AUSome Trip