Apr 22

This year’s JFEW Spring Retreat was as inspiring and relevant as last year’s event (previous post): We kicked off the day with a session led by Ben Messner about “Strengths,” focusing on directing our lives based on our greatest talents. We had all taken an online evaluation that defined our top five strengths and during the session we learned how to use those words to articulate how our particular strengths can benefit us in our professional lives.

The cohort of motivated and ambitious JFEW scholars were then treated to a dialogue with MHC’s Macaulay Honors College Dean Kirschner and Shelley Fischel. They shared their educational and career paths, contrasting the “driller” vs. “gypsy” approach to building a career. A “driller” being one who remains in one job and goes deeper into that particular field for many years, developing an expertise in a niche and a tight-knit, internal social network, while the “gypsy” stays in one place and with one interest for a short time and then hops off to the next new and exciting project, forming many and varied professional relationships. I enjoyed listening to these two successful women recount their joys and struggles of being both accomplished professionals and dedicated mothers.

The day ended with a conversation with two MHC and JFEW alums who shared their own experiences navigating the world and their careers following graduation. Sasha and Catherine were open about sharing both their educational and professional trajectories as well as their personal journeys to where they are now.

Being a part of a supportive, motivated, and self-aware group of young women strengthens my own convictions in my own abilities and strengths. The retreat served as a surge of empowerment and a testament to the culture of support found in JFEW and MHC.

Thanks to all involved.

1 comment so far

  1. Nancy Wozniak
    9:55 pm - 4-29-2012

    Thank you Lilach for taking me on an AUsome tour of your Austrailian experience and a peak inside your rich, creative life and culture. I’ve always wanted to take part in a Purim celebration. After reading what Purim is to you and watching the creative videos, I feel I have experienced Purim. It became real to me. You’re very talented at drawing your reader into your experiences.

    Your use of multimedia is exceptional. You are a success. Keep up your eportfolio as you continue with your academics and transition into your professional career. It’s obvious you’re a positive, positive agent of change.

    Very impressive, Lilach.

    Nancy Wozniak, Learning Architect and ePortfolio Manager
    Stony Brook University

My AUSome Trip