Posts filed under 'Pedagogy'

Resources and Links for Class, 2/8/12

PhD Comics: Work Output Working with Quantitative Visual Evidence Lindsey’s VoiceThread on Charts and Graphs Shoshoneans photograph Working with Qualitative Visual Evidence Pecha Kucha YouTube Poster Templates for Keynote and PowerPoint Good Sample Poster #1 Good Sample Poster #2 Presentation Tips

Continue Reading February 7th, 2012

Video Re-curations (-creations?)

(cross-posted to the Doomsday class blog) I was on the M60 late Monday night, on my way to return a big stack of final exams in Modernist literature (brain freeze!), when I figured out why this editing project wasn’t going well, and what I needed to do differently. I was listening to Depeche Mode’s Playing […]

Continue Reading December 22nd, 2010

Tech Fair Fall 2010

I was in charge of running an introductory workshop at both the first and second sessions of the Fall 2010 Tech Fair. The goals of the introduction were to get students thinking about why and how they could use our eportfolio system, and to teach some WordPress vocabulary, so that they’d go into the next […]

Continue Reading September 27th, 2010

Tech Day 2010

Tech Day 2010 went amazingly well. Jill & I had 28 intermediate-level freshmen–and we put them through their paces! Everyone signed up for the ePortfolio system, and joined our group Tech Day ePortfolio. They split off into ten groups,  2-3 students per group, and generated some content for our ePortfolio on a particular piece of […]

Continue Reading August 24th, 2010

End of Year Report

We’re almost done! These are my last office hours of the year, so I’m spending them on a short report. Here’s where I think I made progress this year: I did a better job of teaching technology. I got better at explaining complex tools, and better at demonstrating the relevance and the possibilities of each […]

Continue Reading May 12th, 2010

musings on the fourth year/alternative careers

Today, my doctoral program’s student association sponsored a “Workshop on University Administration and Other Non-Teaching Careers.” I hadn’t intended to go. Today was my first stop by the Graduate Center in about ten days, and I really had come in simply to run errands: print a few items, file for travel reimbursement, etcetera. But a […]

Continue Reading 1 comment April 16th, 2010

Goals for April

Study Abroad Student Video Edit & post Prepare For Other Videos Get information on next year’s Faculty-in-Residence Confer with Joe, Lee, and students about making a video ‘advert’ for the Thesis Colloquium Restart Grad A group on the Academic Commons site Invite more people to join Post an ad about it — the GC? Virtually? […]

Continue Reading April 14th, 2010

Annotated YouTube Videos: One Short Example

I have annotated this ridiculous clip of me cooing at my cat in preparation for the launch of The 67th Street Project. Other examples I have going on: Annotated Pictures in Flickr (1, 2, 3 examples) A sample VoiceThread Dipity (beginnings of a basic thread on Charles Olson)

Continue Reading February 23rd, 2010

CUNY Pipeline Honors Conference

Three of the thesis students (Noia, Patrick, and Janet) presented at the annual CUNY Pipeline Honors Conference yesterday–a one-day event which showcases the work of honors undergraduates across the university. It was held down on the concourse level of the Graduate Center–a place where, between Macaulay events and Graduate Council meetings, I find myself more […]

Continue Reading February 20th, 2010

Annotated Musical Scores

First page of Beethoven’s Fifth (full orchestra) First page of Mozart’s Overture to The Marriage of Figaro (cello/bass part) Click on the notes on each picture to get a sense of what to look for when working with musical figures in your research.

Continue Reading February 17th, 2010

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