The research proposal genre is one you’ll have to work in as an undergraduate student.  A research proposal acts as a brief overview of a research paper and what you aim to accomplish or learn through your research.  For this reason, your research proposal must have a focus on the topic of your research.

What to Consider

A title that encompasses the subject of your research is a must!  Be clear with what your topic is, as well as who it involves.

What is the significance of your research and what is the purpose?  What questions are you looking for answers to?  How do you plan to find these answers?

A research proposal is also the place to find previous research about your topic and evaluate the findings.  Explain how this information will be incorporated with your research, as well as how you think your research will support or disprove those findings.

Describe your method of research.  Will you be conducting a scientific experiment?  What materials will you need?  What variables are you considering for your research?  How will you collect your data?

Or will you be conducting a social experiment?  Will you be conducting surveys?  How will you gather your information?

How will you tie it all together in the end?

These are all questions to answer in your research proposal.  However, your research proposal shouldn’t be limited to stating what you think you’ll find, as though you’ve already done the research.  Ask questions about what you are curious or unsure of and how your findings can be applied in the future.


For more information about this genre, check out these links!

Genres in academic writing: Research proposals

Genre Conventions: Research Proposal