Date: 12/13/15
Chair: President Sara Louie
Scribe: Representative Jonathan Penula

  • Scholars Council Updates
    1. Introduction of Campus Affairs VP: Anthony Massa Sign-in for clubs. Discussion of Club Macaulay; update information. Will be sending checklists by email.  (
    2. Introduction of Student Life VP: Mitasha Palha: Hosted Fright Night, will  be organizing the Spring Formal; open to ideas for it. (
    3. Notes from Community Service VP: Rabia Mehmood: Working on a full-service community service day in the Spring.(
    4. Communications Document
      1. Also available: → contact
    5. Marketing & Communications wants to feature you!
      1. Send your photos/videos from club events, competitions, hanging out around New York City, student art, and anything else that would be cool to share.
  • Club Updates
    1. Clubs and Pubs
      1. Macaulay Business Club: Final event, business conference with professional coming in from different fields. Over the winter, planning to branch out to other colleges within the CUNY system. (From Baruch) Looking to start new chapters.
      2. Macaulay Chamber Music Society: Josh: Had inaugural concert last Friday. In the Spring, holding auditions in the first week of February. After finals, website will be updated.
      3. Macaulay Creative Writing Club: Adam: Had inaugural poetry slam (planned to be done once/twice per semester) last night. Continuing to accept publications for 67th St Scribe.
      4. Macaulay Dancers:  Recreational portion of the team just had the last workshop (contemporary workshop with guest choreographer) of the semester. Competition team has been practicing for competition in April. Bollywood team won 1st place at their competition.
      5. Macaulay Honors College Debate Society: Last competition, had one participant. Plan for next semester is to help team in February and work on publication-related things.
      6. Macaulay Games Society: Had final meet-and-play event.
      7. Macaulay Gastronomy Club:
      8. Macaulay Gender Equality Club:
      9. Macaulay Global Brigades: Had Karaoke Night fundraiser, having fundraisers every month, as well as planned fundraisers for next semester.
      10. Global Politics Society:
      11. Macaulay Habitat for Humanity: Sarah: Has last event (with five participants), plan to start Brush with Kindness event in February.
      12. Hillel: Had first ever Macaulay Hanukkah Night (had a play, dinner, sing-along, etc).
      13. Humans of Macaulay: In February: Faculty Feb. (with videos of faculty). Collaboration with Photography with Winter Formal Feb. 26th.
      14. Mabuhay: Filipino Culture Club at Macaulay:
      15. Macaulay Marauders Quidditch Team: Made the Division II Championship. Trying to become more competitive.
      16. MATHaulay: Macaulay Math Club: Had symposium with good turnout. Next event might be Pi Day.
      17. Macaulay Messenger Online Newsletter: Published latest edition on Syrian conflict, next deadline Dec. 20, to be released possibly Dec. 25.
      18. Macaulay Musician’s Collective
      19. Macaulay Photography Club: Past month had a trip to High Line and Whitney Museum with scavenger hunt. Looking for material for newsletter/magazine. Formal with Humans of MHC
      20. Macaulay Pre-Health Professions Club: Dec. 2: Event on exams. Planning for speaker events for next semester.
      21. Macaulay Pre-Law Club: Working on a lawgic game event, an LSAT prep event and have LSAT preppers come in. Dates to come.
      22. Pied Filmmakers Collective: w/ Global Brigades, had a barbecue with Karaoke night. About to put out two short films and three more next semester.
      23. Psychology Club at Macaulay: Had Inside-Out screening, attempted going to the Museum of Feelings (Maybe next time.) Helping out with the De-Stressing event on Tuesday.
      24. South Asian Health & Development Initiative: Last week had event, working with partner high schools, handing out hygiene packs. Have two or three events coming this semester.
      25. Macaulay S.P.A.R.K.: Students Partnering and Reaching Kids
      26. Macaulay Theater Club: Had Fall show (Spelling Bee), in works for a Performing Arts Night.
      27. Macaulay Triplets A Cappella Group: Had Fall Concert, performed at Fordham. Performing in ICCA competition in the first week of February.
      28. Macaulay Venture Club
      29. Macaulay YES: Youth Events for Seniors:

Special Initiatives

      1. Arts Night: Katie and Kia: Have been trying to bring back art tank website (posting art events around the city and featuring Macaulay students’ artwork). Trying to bring about awareness on website.
      2. Avasara:
      3. Macaulay Diversity Initiative/Supporting Excellence Conference & Macaulay Alumni & Students of Color Affinity Group:
      4. TEDxCUNY: Hosted by Macaulay Honors College:
  • Budget Announcement: Reviewed a second round of budgets, reviews six budgets and will be voting on budgets today. The budgets approved at the last meeting: clubs should have been noted that their budget was reviewed; log into Club Macaulay for more info.
  • Events
    1. Finals Wellness: December 15th at 4pm-7pm: in Lecture Room, Commons, etc. Relaxation workshop, massage therapists, etc. (no therapy dogs). Teaming up with Psychology Club.
    2. Ice Skating: December 23rd at 5pm-8pm (Bryant Park): Have to RSVP, first 30 people to be present will be admitted in for free.
    3. Club Fair: Thursday, January 28th, 2016 @ Macaulay: Open to everyone, event is happening throughout the Macaulay building. Working on getting a flyer posted (theme needed). Time TBD. Email VP Anthony if you want to make a performance at the Club fair (by Dec. 31st). Possibility for raffles to be done by clubs as well. Cotton Candy machine.
    4. Next Scholars Council and Student Leaders Meeting:  February 7th, 2016 at 3pm*
  • Student Development Updates: Deadline for Reimbursement for Fall Semester is Jan. 29th. Deadline for Spring is unknown. Having another club orientation, set to take place before the Club Fair. If there is interest, looking to do an advertising session  (possibly before Club Fair) with a walkthrough and tactics to reach out to people, know about events, etc.
  • Club Proposals: Charters given out.
    1. Step Club:  
    2. Macaulay Deewane: Becoming separate entity from MHC Dancers because they need budget and are gaining interest. First MHC Bollywood Fusion and Dance team, which has already competed at Adelphi.
    3. Chess Club: General meetings to meet people and play games of chess. Holding seminars for chess. In-club tournament. Looking to do chess-related community work. (in schools, etc.)

Break: Club leaders may leave if they would like, but all are welcome to stay. Students representing proposed clubs should stay for voting. (5 minutes)

  • Representatives Vote on Club Proposals

Deewane Club: Approved (15 approve; 0 in opposition).

Step Club: Approved.

Chess Club: Approved (16 approved; 0 on opposition.)

Votes on Budgets:

  • Macaulay Games Society
  • Macaulay Venture Club
  • Humans of Macaulay
  • Deewane Dance Club
  • Creative Writing Club
  • Macaulay Marauders Quidditch Team

**14 approved, one abstention: Budgets Approved!

-Put deadlines for budgets on Scholars Council website*

  • Campus Updates
    1. Baruch: Work/events with Baruch Honors.
    2. Brooklyn: Advisement issues. One advisor was removed by campus security. Brooklyn Honors Academy Letter: a possible place to provide more info on the abrupt incident for some sort of closure.
    3. City College: CC students were in the news for scholarships and awards.
    4. College of Staten Island: Problem in getting people to do things is the distance (Hour and a half to get here from S.I.)
    5. Hunter: Have facebook groups for each grad class, good participation with Macaulay Monday (but same issues for people not participating as other colleges). Have speakers come to dorms. Advisors rarely send out emails.
    6. John Jay: Dr. Byrne’s promotion, information spreads quickly through group chats, FB page, etc.
    7. Lehman: Almost everyone follows a MHC club, but none follow Club Macaulay.
    8. Queens: Had a cupcake decorating contest in lounge, students just open and close Macaulay Monday emails to get rid of notifications. Could be a little more proactive (students), and could have more advertising for events.
  • Committee Updates
    1. Academic Affairs: just had a meeting via google hangouts with insightful comments and questions. Majority opinion is: to keep GPA requirement at 3.5. Should have more specific classes hosted at MHC. Compsci classes as a requirement for all MHC: negative response, could be an alternative to a science requirement. Meeting to discuss same issues will be held in January. Email Jasmine regarding any of your opinions, or if you want information on meetings. Future plans: Continue creating survey to SC or student body with these questions.

-Proposal for committee meetings to take place around half an hour before SC meetings. (but is another burden (timewise) on a SC Sunday)

    1. Campus Affairs: Working with Student Life to get Volunteers.
    2. Community Service
    3. Finance
      1. Budget Allotment Proposal for late clubs.
      2. Vote
    4. IT/Communications
      1. URGENT- Submit the Google form for your bio
      2. Club Macaulay
      3. Website → does anyone want to contribute to working on the website? Input? Comments?
    5. Student Life
      1. Volunteers for Finals Wellness: Looking for volunteers for finals wellness week.
  • Meetings
    1. Opportunities Fund/Tuition Discussion:
      1. Tuesday, December 15th at 11am
      2. Email preliminary questions and concerns from you and your classmates to Chris Daversa.
      3. Meeting is only open to MSC representatives.
  • Macaulay Scholars Council Graphic Logo Design Competition
    1. Dates: January 1st to February 1st. (If need be, will be extended to MSC meeting date.)
      1. After collection, vote will take place at February MSC meeting
    2. Winner receives apparel with design
  • Final Remarks and Discussion

-Thinking of selling MHC sweatshirts, etc. at all events.


February Scholars Council Meeting

Date: Sunday, February 7th, 2016

Time: 3pm

Location: Lecture Hall