Class of 2013 Sarah Hussain:
Hi guys! I am Sarah and am a senior at Baruch College. I have been a Scholars Council Representative since 2009 so I know how to get things done. I am majoring in Finance and minoring in Computer Informations System. I have had the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Switzerland for a semester and travel Europe. In my free time I enjoy reading and my new love TRAVELING! I am an extremely friendly person, so if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to ask.
Raphael Blanco passed away in March 2013. Click here to see a note from the dean about this tragic loss to our community.
Class of 2015 Raphael Blanco:
Hey everyone! My name is Raphael and I am the representative for Baruch’s Macaulay class of 2015. I am currently undecided in my major but I do know that I want to go to into law after undergrad. This is my first term on the council and I hope to learn a lot from the other representatives and work together with them to bring about great events and opportunities at Macaulay and for its students. When I am not at Baruch or its library I like to spend time with my family, have fun with my friends and read amazing books. I love the Spanish culture, just look at my last name and you can probably figure out why, and I hope to visit Spain in the next year or two. Anyone who has come to know me can tell you that I am a pretty laid back and friendly guy. So if you have any questions or concerns don’t be hesitant to contact me at
Class of 2016 Stevie Borrello:
Stevie is a freshman at Baruch and is very excited to be on the Macaulay Scholars Council. She is planning on majoring in Journalism and has been writing for The Ticker, which is the Undergraduate Student paper at Baruch College. She is also an environmental activist and takes part in Baruch’s USG Sustainability Committee. When Stevie isn’t around Baruch she plays for the Macaulay Marauder’s Quidditch team. She also loves baking gourmet cupcakes and is a food enthusiast. Stevie believes that student participation and interaction is an important aspect for a good college experience, and hopes to get more Macaulay Students involved with the college.
Class of 2013 Sudha (Priya) Haran:
Hey Guys! I’m Priya and I’m the senior Scholars Council Rep for Brooklyn College. I am an Anthropology major and a Chemistry Minor. I have worked at hospitals both here in NY and in India, I am working at a Neurology lab at SUNY Downstate and currently also run Conversation Partners along with my two friends at Brooklyn College. My Capstone thesis is cultural anthropologistic view of the role of a Temple for the Hindu-Indian-American. Other than that, I love cars, sports and planning for an amazing final year at Macaulay. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions at!! Good luck and I hope everyone has an amazing year!!
Class of 2014 Amy Gijsbers van Wijk:
Amy is a playwright, puppet fanatic, and drag queen enthusiast living in Brooklyn, NY. Originally from Houston, TX, she is now a junior in MHC at Brooklyn College, where she is majoring in “Theatrical Authorship Studies” (under the CUNY BA program). Co-founder of Macaulay Theatre Group, her main passion is socially-based theatre. She is Vice-President of Undergraduate Theatre Organization at Brooklyn College, a tutor at the non-profit 826NYC, a writer for The Kingsman newspaper at Brooklyn Colege, and a freelance writer. This is her third term on MSC, and she’s happy to be here. Also, she was probably a lolcat in her past life.
Class of 2015 Albert Tong:
Hello dear reader/potential voter/voter! My name is Albert Tong and I am a violinist, chef, nature enthusiast, crystal collector, and just too many other hobbies to name. I am currently a sophomore at Brooklyn College and I am a pre-med student whose currently contemplating whether or not I should make my own major: The Science of Healing in Eastern and Western Societies. I am currently a volunteer at NY Methodist Hospital, violin teacher, as well as an aspiring Reiki practitioner. I was born in Brooklyn, but raised in many different states. In fact, I’ve been to every state except for Alaska and Hawaii! This is my second term on the council and please feel free to contact me with questions or to talk to me about life and all it’s wonders if you’re interested.
Class of 2016 Shelley Jain:
Shelley is a dancer, pageant queen, How I Met Your Mother lover, and Harry Potter fanatic from New York City. She is a student in the BA/MD Program and will probably major in Broadcast Journalism or Health and Nutrition Sciences. She is the founder of S.P.A.R.K. (Students Partnering and Reaching Kids), a nonprofit organization and a club at MHC, a member of the Brooklyn College Speech and Debate Team, Peer Health Exchange, and Global Medical Brigade. She loves medicine, politics, traveling, volunteering, skiing, and dancing! Since she is super friendly, you can go to her with any questions or concerns at!
Class of 2014 Joe Borello:
I’m a junior at CCNY studying Biomedical Engineering. Beyond what my major entails, my other academic interests include polymers, materials science and genetics. Outside of the classroom, I’m involved in several Macaulay and CCNY organizations. I direct the Macaulay Musicians’ Collective and co-direct and arrange for the Macaulay Triplets. I’m also a student representative on the Macaulay College Council and attend countless events hosted at the Macaulay building. At CCNY, I’m a member of engineering clubs and organizations and also conduct Chemical Engineering research in Professor Kretzschmar’s lab.
This is my second year as a representative (I was a rep my freshman year) and I joined a little late (I volunteered to represent the CCNY class of 2014 because no one ran during the election), but that won’t stop me from helping make the Macaulay experience as great as it can possibly be for Macaulay students everywhere.
Class of 2016 Morgan Flynn:
Hi everyone! My name is Morgan Flynn and I am the City College Class of 2016 Representative on the Macaulay Scholars Council. This is my first year at Macaulay and I am so excited to be a part of MSC! My major as of right now is film, but I am also really interested in theater. In my free time I enjoy watching movies (of course!), going to Broadway shows, spending time with friends, and being involved in my community through various volunteer programs. I really enjoy meeting new people and I am really pumped to make my first year at Macaulay a great one! Feel free to contact me with any questions/just to say hello at🙂
Class of 2013 Kaitlyn O’Hagan:
I am so excited to be back on the MSC for my final year at Macaulay. This year I’ll be expanding my annual work to assist with the Senior gift as well as planning commencement and addressing other senior-specific concerns. What else do I do?
- maintain this website
- liase with Dr. Ugoretz to develop and maintain My Macaulay
- Run the Cultural Passport Scavenger Hunt
- Produce SING! (a musical theater competition) at Macaulay
- serve as a student alternate on the College Council, and the Council’s Curriculum Committee
When not engaged in MSC related activities, I’ll probably be working on my American history thesis or Education policy capstone project. Please contact me with questions and suggestions – I hope everyone has a great year at Macaulay!
Class of 2014 David Kane:
My name is David Kane and I am a recent transfer to Macaulay Hunter’s class of 2014. I was on the Council the last two years as a CCNY rep, so I have plenty of experience working with this intelligent, opinionated body of students. I am an English Lit/Russian language major, and during my time in college I have continued studying French and started studying Japanese, so clearly I enjoy communicating with all kinds of people. Unlike many schools that bog their students down in a relentless bureaucracy, Macaulay is an institution where students can help engineer real change, and the Scholars Council is often the backdrop for where the most change takes place. I am honored to be your representative and happy to answer any of your questions!
Class of 2016 Kevin Tang:

Class of 2013 Michal Medows:
Hi! I’m Michal Medows, and I am honored to have been elected to represent the Macaulay Lehman Class of 2013. I am studying medicine, and serve as the Student Coordinator of the Lehman College Blood and Bone Marrow Drives. This past summer, I had the opportunity to get to know a few of my fellow representatives even better when I took part in a Macaulay Global Medical Brigade to Panama. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, writing, fencing, and learning new languages.
This is my third year serving on the Macaulay Scholars Council, and it just keeps getting better and better. I’m looking forward to working together with the other MSC Reps to ensure that we can help make Macaulay the best experience it can be. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via Facebook or at
Class of 2014 Michael Tal:
Hello! Some information about myself: I’m a Junior at Lehman College (you should all visit), I’m a political science major, and I’m also part of the inaugural Hertog Scholars program! I’m also the captain of the tennis team at my school, and I’m currently a research assistant for a project about public higher education (CUNY ftw!). I love playing basketball and jamming out on the guitar when I have some free time. I’m excited to be a part of a great group of college students and I’m ready to rock and roll with you guys.
Class of 2015 Steve Mathew:
Steve Mathew is a freshman at Macaulay Honors College at Lehman college, who is going through the pre-medical track, with a Math major. He is a member of the Macaulay pre-medical club, the Global Medical Brigades club, and the Model UN club. In addition, he is a staff writer for the Lehman College newspaper Meridian. You can contact Steve at
Class of 2016 Priom Islam:
I’m excited to represent the class of 2016 at Lehman during my first year at Macaulay. I’m looking forward to get the freshman class involved in the Macaulay community and to become a piece of the greatest honors college in the country. Outside of the Scholar’s Council, I’ll be exploring all my academic options and trying to figure out what interests me.
Class of 2013 Ayelet Chovev:
Class of 2014 Marianna Lamnina:
Class of 2015 Ebrahim Afshinnekoo:
Class of 2016 Cheyn Shah:
Cheyn is delighted to represent Queens freshmen on the Macaulay Scholars Council. He is a member of Macaulay Theater Group and the General Assembly. He plans to pursue a major in economics and go to law school. Over the course of his Macaulay career he hopes to cook flawless Italian food, release a hip-hop mixtape under the moniker “Slumdog Trillionaire,” travel widely, read voraciously, play soul-rending blues guitar, and train himself to speak in Morgan Freeman’s voice. You may reach him at
Class of 2013 Kanika Khanna:
Hey all! I’m Kanika and I’m the senior Scholars Council rep for the College of Staten Island. As part of MSC, I am on the IT/Communications Committee (I maintain our lovely Facebook page — contact me if you have a Macaulay event to promote!), and help organize events such as the Macaulay Olympics and the Spring Formal. I am also leading this year’s Class of 2013 gift. Outside of the Council, I am the founder and Editor in Chief of The Macaulay Messenger (and no, I am not above shameless plugs).
Things I’m pretty good at: writing, Facebook, enjoying Ryan Gosling memes, remembering birthdays, yoga, Pokemon battles.
Things I’m not good at: theoretical physics, Twitter, not tripping up/down stairs, long distance running, writing “About Me” things.
Class of 2014 K
Kunzah Syed is the junior class representative for the Macaulay at the College of Staten Island. She is working on her B.S. in psychology and is pursuing the pre-medical track. She tutors English for her peers at the CSI campus and is also a junior mentor for the class of 2016. In her free time, she enjoys snapping photos, reading about medical research and spending time in nature.
Class of 2015 Diane Narouz:
Class of 2016 Jasmine Calle:
Hey there! My name is Jasmine. I have lived in Staten Island for a couple of years now, but originally grew up in Queens. Right now, I am a Freshman at CSI who is currently pursuing a career in animal science. I have loved animals ever since I was a little tyke. However, I also have a interest in informing myself and others of the way things work and why things are the way they are, which is one of the main reasons why I wanted to join the Honors Council. If you need anything, let me know. I will be glad to help any way I can.