From Bestiary to BioCulture: Constituting the Human


Before you can comment on posts or write posts of your own, you have to join this site. If you have never used Macaulay’s e-portfolio system before, please visit our central sign-up page. Choose the “just a username, please” option. We recommend choosing a username that is based on your name. The password for signing up for the system was included in an e-mail from Lindsey, or you can e-mail her again for that information (see the bottom of this page).

Once you have signed up for our system, you can be added to our site. Return to our home page and use the “Join this Site” feature at the left. The password for this was included in an e-mail from Lindsey, or you can e-mail her again for that information (see the bottom of this page).

Finally, once you’ve signed up, please update your personal profile. Visit the Dashboard, and click on your username in the upper right corner (where it says “Howdy”). This will take you to your personal profile. Please enter your first and last name, or some combination thereof.

Once You’re Signed Up:

Here are instructions for how to perform a few common tasks:

Logging In

You must join both the eportfolio system and this particular site before you can log in. To log in to the site, click the link at the left. For instructions on what to do if you’ve forgotten your password, scroll down.

Adding New Posts

You must be logged in to the site in order to add a new post. (For instructions on how to log in, see above.) The direct link to add a new post is available at the left. It may be helpful to bookmark this link.

Alternately, you can always click on the “Dashboard” link (to the left of any page) and then use the administrative sidebar on the left-hand side in order to navigate to the “Posts” and then “Add New” page.

Once you’ve arrived at the “Add New” page, adding a post is easy:

  1. The box at the top of the page (right below the “Add New Post” heading) is where you type the title of your post (e.g. “Hello!”).
  2. The larger box below it is where you type the content of your post.
  3. You can ignore the boxes below that.
  4. To publish your post, press the blue “Publish” button (on the top right) to publish your post to the site. This is important! If you don’t publish your post, it won’t be visible on the site.

NB: If you want to edit your post after you’ve published it, use the “Edit” button on the left-hand navigation sidebar, but make sure to click the “Update Post” button (on the top right) in order to make the changes visible on the site.


You must be logged in to the site in order to comment on a post. (For instructions on how to log in, see above.) Once you’ve logged in to the site:

  1. Navigate to the post you’d like to comment on.
  2. Click the link that says “Comments (1)”  (where “1” is the number of comments which have already been made on a post.
  3. You will be taken to a page with a text box. Type your comment into the text box.
  4. Click the “Submit Comment” button.

Changing Your Password

  1. Go to the Dashboard.
  2. Click on your name in the upper-right corner of the screen (to the right of “Howdy”). You will be taken to your personal profile page.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of your profile page. In the “About Yourself” section, there should be a box to enter a new password.
  4. Enter your password in the “New Password” box. Then;
  5. Enter your password in the second box to confirm.
  6. Press the blue “Update Profile” button, and you’re set!

Retrieving Your Password

If you can’t remember your password:

  1. Click here to go to the login page.
  2. Type in your username. (Your username should be your first initial and last name, unless otherwise specified).
  3. Click the blue link that says “Lost your password?”
  4. You’ll be taken to a page where you can enter your username or email address; enter either.
  5. Click the “Get New Password” button.
  6. Check your mail; you should have just received an email containing your new password.
  7. You should probably change your temporary password to one you can remember.

For all other technical questions, please contact Lindsey Freer, the Instructional Technology Fellow associated with this seminar. She can be reached via email: lindsey [dot] freer [at] gmail [dot] com.