Reflection, Reflecting, Reflexes

This week marks the half of the semester. Looking back on it, this was a crazy semester for me. Spending about nine months abroad, six and a half in Paris and two in Kathmandu, really changed my perspective on life – made it more realistic so to speak. But, because I was away for so long, I came back behind in so many national deadlines and schoolwork.


Looking back at my syllabus, I realize that it is absolutely bare – and that’s for a reason. I only had a vague idea about what I wanted to do because I lived in the countries that experienced these respective forms of medicine (Medieval and Ayurvedic) and I was just so inspired. Now, looking back on it, it’s a monumental task recording the history of the respective medical forms and what they entail.


Do I think it’s feasible? Absolutely. Now that I can solely focus on my schoolwork, I can focus each month on a specific form of medicine and what it entails.


Reflecting on this semester, and this class particularly thus far, I feel like I did not start off great as well, and the fault is mine entirely. I’ve tested my limits so much since high school, and I should have realized that I’d be tired, not only jetlagged, at the start of the semester. And all those fellowship applications in tandem with schoolwork? Not the greatest combination.


So, as I always say, here goes nothing!

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