New Schedule before NCUR

This is my mandatory, no-holds-bar-schedule before NCUR. Here goes nothing!

February 4                               Finish Research on Alternative Medicine.

– When did “Alternative Medicine” start being called Alternative Medicine? What does it include? What is its growth in America?


February 6                                          History of Ayurveda Medicine

– Start with the beginning. Sum up the Vedas. How did this practice form? Where did it originate? When did it start?


February 13                                        History of Ayurveda Medicine

– Monitor it throughout history. From 500-1500. What was happening to it? Was it changing? Who was visiting the countries practicing it? Was it spreading?


February 20                                         History of Ayurveda Medicine

– Where is it now? Who is practicing it? Has it changed drastically?


February 27                                         Finish Ayurveda Medicine

– Spend this week finishing the last touches on this section.


March 6                                               “Alternative Medicines”

– Look into other “Alternative Medicines” around the world: Latin American shamans, African spirit healers, Chinese Acupuncture and Herbs. Write brief (2 paragraphs) on these three forms.


March 13                                                Medieval to Modern Medicine

– With the paper on its history – document how Medieval Medicine started to die out. What happened during the 16th-18th centuries that made people disregard Medieval Medicine entirely?


March 20                                             Modern Medicine

– Extremely brief history on Western Modern Medicine. When did it start becoming “Western?” When did everyone start to disregard other medical forms?


March 27                                        Modern and Alternative


– When did Modern Medicine start to integrate Alternative medicine into Western hospitals? Possible commentary on this.


April 3                                                             Thesis.

– Have the whole thesis done.


April 10                                                           NCUR

– Go to NCUR and kill it.