My site has not yet been formally critiqued, but I know it is quite bare and needs more substance. I need to write more blog posts, upload my work and photos and organize it better. The only great part about it is the Ayurveda section – I need to fix all the other sections and make them more meaningful.
The audience for my blog would be – I hope – those interested in Medieval Studies, Holistic Medicine, the Future of Medicine, South Asia, Western Europe or just anyone who’s curious about these time periods and ancient places. Those who I’ve referred to view my site for critique have been a vast range from colleagues/peers to advisors to professors to family members. I think all of them have the most fun with my Ayurveda posts trying to figure out what constitutions they are and what they can do to improve their health. That in part is a good and bad thing. I’m so glad people enjoy that aspect of my site – but that is currently the only thing on my website. I need to work on putting up photos and adding more blog posts. Hopefully, then, I can promote my website more for people to explore and learn from.