Masdar Sustainability

The world is subject to change in its consumption habits over time and we are certainly in a transitional period ourselves. For one, our general consumption habits are unsustainable, and with growing populations across the world, whatever resources we have left will be further pressed. The Masdar community is looking to be the frontrunner in the transitional trend to a more sustainable society.

What Abu Dhabi is doing is highly intelligent and deserves immense credit for its foresight. The leaders and proponents of this development are aware that in the future that pressures for resources and energy will grow so large that it may cause global instability. The nation is using the resources and surplus funds that they have now in order to fund a society for the future.

Abu Dhabi is taking many great initiatives in order to promote a sustainable society in the future. For example, the nation is using MIST to enhance education and technology for the future. Furthermore, the society is looking to maintain 100% energy and water sustainability which are goals unlike those of the United States, EU, and Asian economies.

Abu Dhabi shows how the United States could use their model to promote our well-being for the future. For example, we could establish environmental sustainability by using an allotted percentage of funds from our financial and energy sectors to spur environmentally-friendly development. The American economy is by far the largest in the world – largely due to its output and consumption habits. In order to preserve our way of life and economy, we should follow the path that Masdar set in motion.



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