Warrior Wearing a Crocodile Mask

by: Hila, Jovanka, Aqsa, Calvin, and Rebecca

We used description, interrogation, historical context, and formal properties. We could've talked more about the artist's interpretation.
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Night At The Museum

by: Michelle Cohen and Datya Baron

Our analysis consisted of interpretation, description, interrogation, content and formal properties. We didn't analyze the historical content of our piece or the artist's intention. If we had more time we would have liked to edit and put together our video clip more professionally.
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Southern Landscape

by: Annalissa Thomas, Serina Mathew, Preeya Ninan, Roby Daniel

We used description, interrogation, formal properties, and artist's intention. We didn't use subject matter or historical context and we would've liked to use these types of analysis if we had more time.
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Analysis of Gilt Figure of Marichi

by: Aaron Yam, Emily Li, Justin Pacquing, Jasmine Wong, and Yu Qing Xu

Gilt Figure of Marichi, 18th century

At the Brooklyn Museum, we chose to discuss the Gilt Figure of Marichi, because we felt it encompassed many traits and abilities and plenty for us to interpret. We questioned the importance of sculpture, why it was made out of gilt bronze, what each item in her hands could represent, how the she was ornamented, her position both during the 18th century and her physical position, amongst many other things. We wish that we had discussed more about the sculpture’s historical context. Although we did discuss the spiritual importance that the sculpture held, as we made the video we realized that we never mentioned that the sculpture was probably meant for worship rather than decoration.
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A Storm in the Rocky Mountains: Mt. Rosalie, by Albert Bierstadt

by: Brian Sullivan and Gideon Soule

We used Description, Formal, Historical context, and Artist's intention analysis. We did not use Interrogation analysis, or content analysis to its fullest extent, which we would have if we'd had more time.
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Praça De Touros (Bullring) III

by: Egor Semeniak, Maia Goitia, and Paul Menestrier

What we didn’t analyze:
Formal Properties-Photograph. Contrast between white and red. Medium size.
Historical Context- taken in 2008.
Genre of the piece
Our personal responses
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The Road of the War Prisoners

by: Johanna Farkas

Description- texture, crows, landscape
Interrogation- History of the prisoners
Formal Properties- peeling paint, landscape, contrast
Content- sad emotional scene
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Untitled (Egungun Series)

by: Shelly Zou, Nickolas Almodovar, Wayne Chim, Bryan Rosendo

First, we observed the various textures and colors the subject wore and the contrasting background. From there, we were able to draw various conclusions such as: the subject wore garments of cultural importance and the outfit itself drew attention away from the person wearing it and to the (what we later discovered) spirit it was depicting.
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Kiss Me and You’ll Kiss the ‘Lasses

by: Christina Ramos, Frances Shnaidman, Kashaf Syar

We performed a formal analysis of the painting at the Brooklyn Museum which focused primarily on color, lighting, and the historical context of the subject. We took a lot of liberties with our interpretations of the painting and each came away with a different idea. Some of this discourse is represented in our video. If we had more time we could continue to discuss the subject of the painting.
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Macaulay Night at the Museum 2016

by: Alex Jones, Anton Khrystenko, Sarah Ustoyev, Daisy Waltermaurer

We did physical and contextual analysis while we were at the museum. We didn't do historical analysis. We would have liked to have done a more in-depth conversation on the physical, contextual, and historical aspects of the painting. This would have given us a better understanding of what we were looking at.
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