Parsing the Demography of Staten Island
According to the U.S Census Bureau, the total population in New York City in 1990 was 7,322,564. The total Hispanic population was 1,783,511. 3.5% (61,722) of this population was Mexican.
In 2000, the total population in New York City was 8,008,278. The total Hispanic Population was 2,160,554. Of this population, 8.6% (186, 872) were Mexican.
The change in 1990-2000 of total population in New York City was a 9.4%(+685,714) increase. Hispanic population increased 21.1% (+377,0433). The Mexican population increased 202.8% (+125,150). 1
*Pages 1 and 2 of Demographic Characteristics – New York City 1990 and 2000 Census.
(as Pdf: Â demonyc-1)
According to the U.S Census Bureau, the total population in Staten Island in 1990 was 378,977. Of this population, 8% *30,239) was of Hispanic origin. Â The Mexican community made up 4.9% (1,476) of the Hispanic origin population.
In 2000, the total population in Staten Island was 443,728. Of this population, 12.1% was of Hispanic origin. The Mexican community made up 14. 6% (7,798) of the Hispanic origin population.
The change in 1990-2000 of the total population in Staten Island was 17.1% (+64,751). The population of Hispanic origin increased 77.1% (+23,311). The Mexican community increased 428.3% (+6, 322).
*Pages 16 and 17 of Demographic Characteristics – New York City 1990 and 2000 Census.
According to the results from the 2000 Census “Population Growth and Race/Hispanic Composition, in Staten Island, St. George, Stapleton, Fox Hills, Park Hill, Port Richmond, and Mariners Harbor had a substantial Hispanic presence.
Demographic Characteristics – New York City 1990 and 2000 Census
Red= 2000
Blue= 1990