Lamavida Deli

Located in Port Richmond, Lamavida deli is a small Mexican deli with a large variety of Mexican foods and utensils. Besides having fruits, vegetables and sandwiches, the deli was supplied with a wide variety of Mexican foods. The common foods found in any deli were also present here but with a slight twist. The packaging on many items was in Spanish so as to accommodate their customers. For example the common chips Onion Rings was packaged in a different manner and renamed Rueditas. Other foods that are also present are Takis Crunchy Fajita, Corn Tortillas, and Goya yellow rice and Mexican rice.

Besides the food in the deli, the atmosphere has a certain Spanish flavor. Spanish music is playing and the workers often hum and sing along to their favorite songs. The workers are of the Mexican descent and Spanish is their first language. Also many piñatas are sold in this store. A favorite theme seemed to be the characters of the television shows “Go, Diego, Go!” and “Dora The Explorer.” The piñatas are all vibrant and creative.

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