The Arts in New York City? Why, New York City is Art!

The “Arts” aren’t dead relics that simply reside in quiet museums throughout the city – it’s the city itself.  It’s a city which continues to thrive culturally and aesthetically despite the sterile, systematic and pragmatic “collection of blocks” which were superimposed across it’s virgin soil countless generations ago. The City is an art work in itself, it’s implicit personalities, and explicit aesthetics breathing life into land that was designed to generate cold, hard cash. It takes new meaning through the eyes of each of it’s visitors, inspires it’s admirers and gives a narrative of the past and even predictions of the future for those who study it.

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One Response to New York City IS Art

  1. After the Fluxus exhibit, I’m beginning to wonder how the course might make more use of the place(s) of the city as part of the experience of art. In every neighborhood, there are a number of places which yield sights and experiences which have an artistic energy, without being the kinds of things you’d find at the Museum of Modern Art.

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