Coney Island

Take a stroll on the boardwalk,

With the wind blowing through your hair,

Or ride the Wonder Wheel,

If you have some time to spare.

Nathan’s is the place to go

If you want a bite to eat,

The best hot dogs in New York

Will knock you off your feet.

Take a ride on the Cyclone,

If you have some nerve

 But try and hold on really tight,

Cause it’s filled with drops and swerves.

Go to see a Cyclone game,

If you like baseball,

See the Beach Bums do their dance,

And meet Sandy the seagull.

Take a swim in the ocean,

Or lay out on the beach,

Feel the sand between your toes

And have an ice cream each.

If you want to see some fish,

The aquarium’s the place to go,

Visit the walruses and the sharks

Or see the Sea Lion Show.

Come to Coney Island

Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall,

Any day or time,

You know they’ve got it all.


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