
Two more days until I leave! (1 more day until Christmas!)

The worries are starting to set in. I am an expert worrier. I can (and often do) worry about everything. Usually, though, I like to imagine the worst thing that can possibly happen. Generally I know it’ll never happen, so it’s actually less of a big deal and more of a form of sick amusement when I’m supremely bored (ex: I worry about subway cars derailing all the time. Then I imagine how different passengers will react. That woman in high heels and tight jeans will probably freak out about subway rats or whatever. The kid listening to his iPod at top volume probably won’t even notice). Here are some of my current worries:

  • I’ve yet to start packing. That’s probably a major problem. But more about that later.
  • I’ll be stuck next to someone who snores or in front of someone who kicks my seat or behind someone who reclines too much while I’m on the airplane. I loathe those people. I’m a considerate flyer. I don’t kick the seat in front of me, hog the armrests, snore (although sometimes I talk in my sleep so I try to stay awake, just in case), or recline too much. But it’s okay, because I’m not above staring down the kid behind me who kicks my seat, or, after enduring lack of leg space and/or asking the person in front of me to adjust the angle of their seat, call a flight attendant or knee their seat. But mostly I try to play nice.
  • My parents will attempt to skype with me endlessly when I’m online and/or complain that I haven’t communicated with them enough.
  • I’ll drown in all my work in Argentina.

So, lots of worries. Mostly silly things. And they’re mostly all a way to distract myself from the fact that I’ve yet to start packing and I’m STILL shopping for things that I keep forgetting that I need. Still, I’m super excited. I can’t believe I only have two days left until I leave! It’s kind of a shock. I think I still haven’t quite registered the fact that I’m going to Argentina, much less going for a month. Should be an interesting and fun experience.

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