
On Saturday we went to a traditional Argentine estancia, or ranch. At first, we were all sort of disappointed; all we could see was grass, a pool and that’s about it. We had no idea how we were supposed to spend 8 hours there. But then we discovered the joys of a lazy day of fun.

Epic games of foosball

Chicken in the pool

Soccer, tennis and volleyball

And sunbathing, of course

All in all, it was a super fun day. Everyone got to relax after another long week of classwork, projects and general excitement, which was perf. It was really great hanging out with friends, and our assistants, teachers and program administrators.

2 Comments so far

  1.   Eugenia on January 19th, 2011          

    Como me gustaria a mi estar en una estancia con toda la nieve y lluvia que hay en New York! Las fotos describen muy bien como pasaron esas ocho horas de “descanso”. Y que comieron? Algo tipico?

  2.   Raquettetennis on October 15th, 2011          

    Great comment, thanks

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