
I booked my flight! Yayyyyy! It only took about two hours to actually get someone on the phone. My agent was Paolo from Peru (hooray for Paolo from Peru!). Special thanks, of course, to my mother, for putting up with this drama all morning (and playing super duper nice with Paolo so I could book the seat I wanted, etc.)

So I got a nonstop flight with other people from my group, which is great. What’s not-so-great is that I won’t get there until 2 days after the program starts. I’ll be missing the intro dinner, tango show and the chance to explore Buenos Aires on my own. Oh well. At least I’ll be on a flight. And I’ll be there on time to make the bus to Mar del Plata, which is good (no way am I taking a 6 hour cab ride alone through Argentina!).

I can’t gloat too much, though. There are still a lot of people on my trip (and on other trips) who are trapped in New York until this storm is over. With any luck, they’ll rebook their flights and make it to their destinations. Signing off for now (I need some Tylenol and a nap!).

1 Comment so far

  1.   Eugenia on December 26th, 2010          

    I am glad we got you on a direct flight with other students, the snow delay just generated some travel peace of mind. I guess, Dallas will have to wait. You have also learned a valuable lesson-you may plan and plan, but ultimately God decides what is best even though it seems frustrating now it will all work out and you will have a great time learning how to Tango, eat beef at every meal, and go to school near a beach! Wow, not sure how you will handle all of that stress:-) For Now you can help us shovel all 10-15 inches of snow out of the driveway-just like when you were younger!
    I guess you will also have to eat your early birthday cake-your sisters will have an issue with that one:-)
    Love ya!

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