After all of this flight drama, I booked a 10 pm direct flight from JFK to Buenos Aires for the 28th. I got to the airport just after 7 and basically hung out with the fam after checking my bags, and then I ran into Jemi, Jane and Jaya, three girls on my trip. We went through security together, and then looked for a place to change our money. Turns out the booth was out of pesos, but it was actually okay, since the rate in JFK was lower than the rates we’d heard about in BA.

Our flight was delayed until 12 am. We hung out in the packed waiting area waiting for our flight, and briefly met about 8 other girls also from our trip who happened to be on the same flight.

Word to the wise: unless you have an aisle seat, short legs, or a seat in first class, try to avoid direct flights of 10+ hours. I usually loooove flying, but I was exhausted, my legs were super cramped, and the girl sitting next to me was, to put it nicely, misbehaving. The woman sitting next to me actually scolded both the girl for kicking the seats and whining, and her mom for not keeping her daughter “under control!” I tried [somewhat unsuccessfully] to sleep most of the flight.

We landed just before 12 pm local time (Buenos Aires is two hours ahead of New York), and we had to wait in a super long line to pay the fee to visit the country – $140 for American tourists (it lasts for 10 years. I don’t understand how that’s not a visa, but apparently there’s a big difference). We met up in baggage claim and headed out to the main area to change our money and find our way to the hotel. We ran into the large group again, but decided to split and take cabs, while they took the bus and then cabs. Our cab ride actually wasn’t that bad.

Finalmente, we got to Liberty Hotel, our hotel in Buenos Aires (maybe more about that later). I unpacked, and met up with Jemi and Jane, who were next door, and Jaya, her roommate, Ankuri, and Ankuri’s friend Bryan for a late lunch. My very first meal in Argentina was an empanada and a 7Up. Soooo delish! I actually spent the rest of the day with the group, wandering around the area, and eventually grabbing yummy dinner. Then it was time for some much-needed rest!

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