
Tres días más hasta que me vaya para Argentina!

That was me practicing my Spanish. (Translation: three more days until I leave for Argentina!)

That’s right, folks, in three days, I’ll be on a plane to Dallas, and from there to Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata. I’m pretty stoked. Con un poco de suerte y un montón de estudios, I’ll tango my way back to New York in a month, chock full of delicious steaks y hablando como una argentina.

Argentina will host a lot of firsts for me: first time traveling out of the country alone, first time in South America, first time celebrating my birthday (January 2nd – I’ll be 20!) somewhere other than in my house surrounded by the insanity that’s my family, plus probably a bajillion million other firsts.

Keep reading, kiddos. I’ll be back with more.

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