
Just got back from a tango lesson! it was pretty fun. Not too many of us initially went, just me, Alex R., Alex G., Kristina (mi tocaya!), Jackie and Gabe. The place looked deserted, complete with a sign saying they were closed until January 30. Just as we were getting ready to leave, this guy walks up and asks us if we’re there for the lesson. After a few minutes, when our instructor, Ezekiel (a friend of my professor, Belén) was giving us the introductory speech, Sneha, Jemi and Jane showed up.

Ezekiel taught us some basic moves, which we went over by ourselves, and then we paired off. Since Gabe was the only guy other than our instructor, all of the girls learned/danced (or in my case, attempted to learn/dance) both the male and female parts. I did best when I was with either Ezekiel or Gabe; then, someone was leading me and I could focus on not looking at my feet, tripping, or stepping on my partner’s toes.

It was really, really fun, although at times frustrating since I always confused the male and female parts and some of the half-steps were hard to do. At the end of the lesson, we sat in a circle and everyone danced in pairs for the group. Each mini-show ended with a gancho, or kick.

The best part? It was only 8 pesos! I’m hoping to take another tango class soon, or else try something else.

4 Comments so far

  1.   Eugenia on January 13th, 2011          

    Tango is pretty intense, glad you enjoyed it. Are the shoes very important in this dance? Perhaps I am thinking of flamenco???

    Would love to see an actual video of the lesson. I can definitely imagine you as a Tango queen, seria, intense, precise, thoughtful-from the little dancing I have seen you do, this may be your calling:-)

  2.   Lorriane Steurer on August 26th, 2011          

    But a smiling visitant here to share the love (:, btw great style and design. “Make the most of your regrets… . To regret deeply is to live afresh.” by Henry David Thoreau.

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