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On Saturday we went to a traditional Argentine estancia, or ranch. At first, we were all sort of disappointed; all we could see was grass, a pool and that’s about it. We had no idea how we were supposed to spend 8 hours there. But then we discovered the joys of a lazy day of […]

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Just got back from a tango lesson! it was pretty fun. Not too many of us initially went, just me, Alex R., Alex G., Kristina (mi tocaya!), Jackie and Gabe. The place looked deserted, complete with a sign saying they were closed until January 30. Just as we were getting ready to leave, this guy […]

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Zamba de Amor y Mar

Zamba de Amor y Mar – Los Tucu Tucu Que no te llegue triste mi cantar Porque le puse una sonrisa a mi guitarra Para llenar de vida y de color La soledad que va creciendo en tu mirada Mirá que la Luna está partida en la mitad Y sin embargo alumbra igual. Y solo […]

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Clases de Español

There are 5 groups here: A, A+, B, C and Lit. I’m in C, which is the most advanced grammar class before lit. We’re not exactly sure how they split us up; some people in my class should be taking mid-200 level classes, while some should be in 102, 201 or 202. It may have […]

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People in Argentina need to…

INSTALL STOP SIGNS AND TRAFFIC LIGHTS. It’s insane here. Pedestrians never have the right of way, and at intersections, cars frequently get trapped because drivers refuse to move back to let other cars by. Walking on these streets is terrifying. ASK BEFORE ASSUMING SEPARATE TABLES GO ON THE SAME BILL. Just because we all came […]

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Fin de Semana en Mar del Plata

I’ve literally spent this entire weekend shopping. It’s probs not a good thing. I had a freakout yesterday when I checked how much money I’d spent because I’d forgotten pesos aren’t equivalent to dollars. Whew! I’ve been buying souvenirs for the sibs and my parents, but it’s hard. I don’t know what to bring back, […]

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Life Lessons/Words of Wisdom

Make several copies of your passport when you travel. Hide your passport somewhere safe in your room, or in an actual safe, if your room has one (if your hotel keeps the safes behind their desk, don’t put your passport there. You might forget it). Keep a copy with you at all times, in case […]

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Las Playas y La Ciudad

Ever since I got off the bus in Mar del Plata, the beach has held some sort of magnetic attraction for me. It’s not very pretty or clean, the water tends to be cold, and it’s frequently super crowded, especially since it’s summer here, but I’m forever thinking about it. Is that weird? Actually, last […]

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After we got to Mar del Plata, I dropped off my bags in my room, and met up with a group to grab dinner (it was around 3 am). After that, some of us split off and watched the sunrise on the beach with some stray dogs that followed us. It was sooooo gorgeous. For […]

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Caminito Tango Show, La Boca & the Bus

My second day in Buenos Aires, I grabbed breakfast in the hotel lobby with friends, participated in the scramble to check out, and then took a taxi to La Boca, where we saw the Caminito Tango Show during lunch and had a chance to wander around. The show was amazing. In between the numbers, the […]

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