Author Archive

Liberty Hotel

The doors and keys at our hotel were pretty bizarre. The doors had hobbit doorknobs, and the keys had these little holes in them instead of the grooves I’m used to. See? Our rooms were pretty small, and the showers were tiny. Still, I basically slept a few hours and then jumped up to explore […]

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After all of this flight drama, I booked a 10 pm direct flight from JFK to Buenos Aires for the 28th. I got to the airport just after 7 and basically hung out with the fam after checking my bags, and then I ran into Jemi, Jane and Jaya, three girls on my trip. We […]

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Heads Up!

If you check out the blogroll section of my page, you’ll see that I’ve added links to other blogs from people on my trip and other study abroad programs this winter. Check them out! There’s poetry, humor, ramblings, and even despair at times (but not too much – it’s just because of this snow!), so […]

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[Please don’t] Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow

I hate snow. That statement, reader(s), is a total 360 from my usual state of mind. With the exception of when I need to go somewhere and the snow is making my commute (or outfit planning!) difficult, and now with this whole travel nightmare, I usually loooooove the snow. My birthday is January 2 (remember […]

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I booked my flight! Yayyyyy! It only took about two hours to actually get someone on the phone. My agent was Paolo from Peru (hooray for Paolo from Peru!). Special thanks, of course, to my mother, for putting up with this drama all morning (and playing super duper nice with Paolo so I could book […]

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In a perfect world, I would be leaving for the airport now to make my 2:20 pm flight to Dallas, and then make my 7:35 pm connecting flight to Buenos Aires. Alas, this is not a perfect world. I’m sitting at my dining room table using my mom’s laptop (mine is packed), furiously texting members […]

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This will be quick, I promise. So it just hit me that in like 13 hours, I’ll be on a plane headed to Dallas. That is, unless there’s a massive storm. Also, and this is embarrassing, although you could say that my blog thus far has been pretty embarrassing, but I just realized that my […]

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Uno… (also, Feliz Navidad!)

One more day until I leave! My flight to Dallas is tomorrow at 2:20 pm. From there, I have a layover for a couple of hours, then I fly to Buenos Aires. My flight lands at 9 am. The closer I get to when I’m leaving, the more nervous I get. There are so many things […]

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Two more days until I leave! (1 more day until Christmas!) The worries are starting to set in. I am an expert worrier. I can (and often do) worry about everything. Usually, though, I like to imagine the worst thing that can possibly happen. Generally I know it’ll never happen, so it’s actually less of […]

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Tres días más hasta que me vaya para Argentina! That was me practicing my Spanish. (Translation: three more days until I leave for Argentina!) That’s right, folks, in three days, I’ll be on a plane to Dallas, and from there to Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata. I’m pretty stoked. Con un poco de suerte y un montón de estudios, I’ll tango […]

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