La Universidad

So I’m basically taking two semesters worth of classes in legit sixteen days. I’m a little scared. Actually, I’m more than a little scared. Actually, I’m WAY scared.

THIS is how scared I am

I had to make it super big for emphasis, obviously.

But seriously. That’s a ton of class time in not a ton of time. Pretty frightening, especially for someone who has essentially mastered the art of procrastination. Obviously I’ll need to cram all of that procrastination into two weeks. But here’s the thing. I’ll have my laptop with me, but I have the feeling that I won’t be spending all my time on facebook or (guilty pleasure) or even (guilty pleasure #2 – check it out if you haven’t already, it’s absolutely revolting and totally fantastic). I’m going to have summer weather, the beach, delicious food, tango lessons (I hope, because my dance skills totally don’t reflect my Dominican background, as you’d know if you’ve ever seen me butcher a merengue) and alllllll of Argentina (okay, more like alllll of the section of Mar del Plata where we’ll be staying) to explore. So maybe that’s one fewer worry (the procrastination, try to keep up!).

Actually, this blog will probably be my means of procrastination and refuge from confusing verb tenses and conjugations. Get ready for endless lists of verb endings as I start preparing for my exams while I’m away.

Por favor, wish me buena suerte in my studies!

Dreaming of Noms (no Christmas sugarplums for this girl!)

For weeks now, whenever I’ve told anyone I’m going to Argentina, I’ve heard about how I should order steak and wine, how delicious Argentine beef is, where I should go if I can, what to order, et cetera. (I’ve also gotten some comments from my high school bio teacher about the potential lack of fiber in my diet and its implications, but I’m going to focus on all the yummy beef I can – and will – eat during my trip…)

Seriously. I am this girl.

NEWS FLASH! I know allll about Argentine beef and I’m sooooo excited for it. I’m a girl who could eat meat three meals a day. Seriously. And I’m a total steak gal. Really. I usually order a massive burger or a massive steak when I go out to eat. I could [probably] eat a good steak every day. Preferably medium-rare, with a baked potato and maybe a veggie. Broccoli, or asparagus, if I can convince my mom to buy and prepare it for me. I suppose I’ll find out how much I actually love steak when I can eat it just about whenever I want for an entire month. Will some of the deliciousness go away once it’s available at just about every meal? I’m betting I’m still going to love it, but we’ll see.

Still, I welcome any and all suggestions. So keep ’em coming, guys. And if you know of any good places to eat steak in Mar del Plata (or if you’ll be there in January and want to treat me!) let me know!

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