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The Jewish communities were successful in opening up multiple synagogues.  One example of a synagogue is the Magen David Synagogue, the first Sephardic congregation in Benshonhurst, located on…

What allowed for people to leave?

There is no one solid theory as to why the Soviet Union began allowing immigration – a change that would one day lead to major demographic transformation in…

Why would people want to leave? Why could people not leave?

The Soviet Union was known for its oppressive, radical, communist regime. Its citizens faced political, economic, and social hardship. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union raised its…

Muslim Businesses

Muslims businesses pepper the areas surrounding mosques and Muslim institutions. The business around the MAS Youth Center: The businesses around The Brooklyn Islamic Center – Al Iman Center:

Muslim Community Life – Mosques: The MAS Youth Center

On the corner of Bath Avenue and Bay 22nd Street, across the street from a Peruvian restaurant and a cultural myriad of other businesses, sits the Muslim American…