Category: Muslim

Gaza 5k

Given the current trend of fear-mongering and Islamophobia, it is not uncommon for Muslims and Islamic organizations to constantly be on the defensive and strive to give back…

Finding Comfort through Community

Other Muslims reacted to Islamophobia by celebrating and uniting together during Muslim holidays such as Eid. In a personal essay reflecting his experiences as a Muslim in New…

MAS Youth Center Multi-faith Meeting

“If anyone is thinking they can kill anyone using this book, 100%, he is not Muslim.”-Ali Kamel  Although many Muslims continued to educate others and stand up for…

Post-9/11 Islamophobia

“An attack against one group is an attack against us all.” – City Councilman Mark Treyger When walking through the streets of Bensonhurst, one can easily see the…

Muslim Community of Bensonhurst

Before they settled in Bensonhurst, Muslim immigrants were attracted to other areas of Brooklyn such as Bay Ridge, Atlantic Avenue, and Williamsburg. Muslim immigrants initially settled in these areas,…

Muslim Immigration from the 1800s to Post-1965

The second wave of immigration from the Muslim world to the United States began in the mid-19th century. These immigrants mostly consisted of unskilled and uneducated Arabs from…

The First Muslims to Immigrate to the United States

While the majority of immigration from predominantly Muslim countries occurred in the late 20th century, Muslims have been a part of the history of New York City since…

Muslims in Bensonhurst – About Us

The presence of Muslims in the United States can be seen as early as the 1600s. The establishment of Muslim communities is fairly recent, however, since the majority of…

Muslim Businesses

Muslims businesses pepper the areas surrounding mosques and Muslim institutions. The business around the MAS Youth Center: The businesses around The Brooklyn Islamic Center – Al Iman Center:

Muslim Community Life – Mosques: The MAS Youth Center

On the corner of Bath Avenue and Bay 22nd Street, across the street from a Peruvian restaurant and a cultural myriad of other businesses, sits the Muslim American…