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Vanderbilt, Gertrude Lefferts. The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
-“II. Early Settlement of Kings County.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
– “XI. Preparation of Winter Stores: Bread.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
– “XX. Farms and their Owners.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
– “XIV. Musical Instruments and Pictures.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
– “XVIII. The Graveyard of the Reformed Dutch Church.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881
– “XXVIII. War of the Revolution-1776.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
– “XXVII. Religious Societies.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881
[i] Nedda C. Allbray. Flatbush: The Heart of Brooklyn (Charleston: Arcadia Pub.,2004)7.
[ii] McCullough, David W., and Kalett, Jim. Brooklyn and How it Got That Way (New York: Dial, 1983) 4.
[iii] Ibid.
[iv] Vanderbilt, Gertrude Lefferts. “II. Early Settlement of Kings County.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
[v] Edmund D. Fisher Flatbush, Past & Present (Brooklyn: Flatbush Trust, 1901) 10.
[vi] Nedda C. Allbray. Flatbush: The Heart of Brooklyn (Charleston: Arcadia Pub., 2004) 12.
[vii] Ibid.
[viii] Vanderbilt, Gertrude Lefferts. “XXVII. Religious Societies.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
[ix] Vanderbilt, Gertrude Lefferts. “XI. Preparation of Winter Stores: Bread.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
[x] Vanderbilt, Gertrude Lefferts. “XI. Preparation of Winter Stores: Bread.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
[xi] Vanderbilt, Gertrude Lefferts. “XX. Farms and their Owners.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
[xii] Vanderbilt, Gertrude Lefferts. “XVIII. The Graveyard of the Reformed Dutch Church.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
[xiii] P. L. Schenck, Historical Sketch of the Zabriskie Homestead (Removed 1877), Flatbush, L.I.: With biographical accounts of some of those who have resided in it. (New York: 1881), 47, 49,;view=1up;seq=13
[xiv] Vanderbilt, Gertrude Lefferts. “XIV. Musical Instruments and Pictures.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
[xv] Edmund D. Fisher. Flatbush, Past & Present (Brooklyn: Flatbush Trust, 1901)
[xvi] Alexander F. Christensen, “An Isonymic Study of the Population Structure of Early Kings County, NY,” Human Biology 72, no. 6 (2000): 1017-1037,
[xvii] 1790 U.S. Census for Kings County, N.Y.
[xviii] Edwin G. Burrows and Mike Wallace, Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898 (New York City: Oxford University Press, 1998), 128
[xix] Frederick M. Binder, and David M. Reimers. All the Nations under Heaven: An Ethnic and Racial History of New York City. ( New York: Columbia, 1995) 14-15.
[xx] Alexander F. Christensen, “An Isonymic Study of the Population Structure of Early Kings County, NY,” Human Biology 72, no. 6 (2000): 1017-1037,
[xxi] 1800 U.S. Census for Kings County, N.Y.
[xxii] 1840 U.S. Census for Kings County, N.Y.
[xxiii] Frederick M. Binder, and David M. Reimers. All the Nations under Heaven: An Ethnic and Racial History of New York City. ( New York: Columbia, 1995) 5.
[xxiv]Carpenter, Wm. H. “Dutch Contributions to the Vocabulary of English in America: Dutch Remainders in New York State (1908) 58.
[xxv] Carpenter, Wm. H. “Dutch Contributions to the Vocabulary of English in America: Dutch Remainders in New York State.” Modern Philology 6.1 (1908) 61.
[xxvi] Nedda C. Allbray. Flatbush: The Heart of Brooklyn (Charleston: Arcadia Pub.,2004)15.
[xxvii] John Copp, “The Grammar School At Flatbush,” Rivington’s New York Gazetteer, July 14, 1774, Newsbank Inc. (SQN: 1043EBD1C49721EF).
[xxviii] John Copp, “The Grammar School At Flatbush,” Rivington’s New York Gazetteer, July 14, 1774, Newsbank Inc. (SQN: 1043EBD1C49721EF).
[xxix] Fisher, 30
[xxx] P. L. Schenck, Historical Sketch of the Zabriskie Homestead (Removed 1877), Flatbush, L.I.: With biographical accounts of some of those who have resided in it. (New York: Publisher?, 1881), 33-34,;view=1up;seq=13
[xxxi] P. L. Schenck, Historical Sketch of the Zabriskie Homestead (Removed 1877), Flatbush, L.I.: With biographical accounts of some of those who have resided in it. (New York: 1881), 47,;view=1up;seq=13
[xxxii] Vanderbilt, Gertrude Lefferts. “XXVIII. War of the Revolution-1776.” In The Social History of Flatbush: And Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County. New York: D. Appleton, 1881.
[xxxiii] Edmund D. Fisher. Flatbush, Past & Present (Brooklyn: Flatbush Trust, 1901)
[xxxiv] McCullough, David W., and Kalett, Jim. Brooklyn and How it Got That Way (New York:Dial, 1983).