
2011, “Uncertain future of New England Salt Marshes?”Marine Ecology – Progess Series 434:229-237.Gedan et al 

2010, “How will warming affect the salt marsh foundation species Spartina patens and its ecological role?” Oecologia 164:479-487.Gedan and Bertness

2009, “Centuries of Human-Driven Change in Slat Marsh Ecosystems”. Annual Review of Marine Science 1:117- 141.Gedan et al 

2008, “Human disturbance consumer control of salt marshes”. Conservation Biology 22:618-623. Bertness and Silliman 

2007, “Local and geographic variation in grazing intensity by herbivorous crabs in SW Atlantic salt marshes”. Marine Ecology Progressive Series 349:235-243. Alberti et al 

2004, “Shoreline development drives the invasion of Phragmites australis and the loss of New England salt marsh plant diversity. Conservation Biology 18:1424-1434. Silliman and Bertness 

2002, “Anthropogenic modification of New England salt marsh landscapes.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA99: 1395-1398. Bertness et al 

2002,”A trophic cascade regulates salt marsh primary production”. PNAS, 10500-10505. Silliman and Bertness 

2001, “Rapid shoreward encroachment of salt marsh cordgrass in response to accelerated sea-level rise”. PNAS USA98: 14218-14223. Donnelly and Bertness 


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