Fracking from the point of view of the gas companies

As someone representing the Gas companies I have to say that although Hydraulic Fracking has some negative effects to the water supply for certain people, all in all it is more beneficial to the environment and the world than detrimental.  Fracking is helpful to the US in both an economic standpoint as well as an environmental standpoint.

Regarding the economic standpoint, it created an influence in the price of gases and it also creates jobs as well. President Obama said that he believes in the near future, fracking could provide about six hundred thousand jobs to citizens of the United States. Fracking increased gas reserves in the US over the past seven years and this influx of natural gas caused the price of gas to be a third the price of oil in the US. Furthermore, at this rate the US will have a surplus of gas and they will be able to sell the extra gas to Europe and Asia, which will then lower the price of gas there and stimulate global economy.

Natural gas caused by fracking also has a positive effect on the environment as a whole, in the US alone Carbon Dioxide emissions decreased by almost 15% which is good for the global environment because it is limiting the amount of greenhouse gases which is a step in the right direction regarding climate change. Also, quite surprisingly, natural gas has more of an effect on the reducing of megatonnes of Carbon dioxide, it even prevents more than solar panels and wind turbines.

However, there is a problem with this point of view regarding how fracking has detrimental effects on the water supply. However, gas companies are saying that the wells are encased in cement and it is seems unlikely that the chemicals travel through the casing since it is supposed to be durable especially since it has to endure the pressure from the fracking. So, to conclude fracking is helpful for the economic as well as the environmental factor of the US and the wells’ casings should protect the water supply from harmful chemicals.

Works Cited:

Clarke, Chad. 2012. Fracking Politics: A case study of Policy in New York and Pennsylvania from 2008-2011. Colorado State University.

Pierce, Richard. Natural Gas Fracking Addresses All of Our Major Problems. George Washington University Law School.

Lomborg, Bjørn. 2012. A Fracking Good Story. Project-Syndicate. September 13.

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