Goals for the future

At the last chapter of Rambunctious Garden, Marris displays new set of goals for conservation.  She lays out several goals that must be work out together in order to fulfill the conservation that can save the nature, species, and humans. The fist goals that Marris displays are protecting the rights of other species. Humans and other species must exist on earth together and all species including humans have intrinsic values. Since some humans downgrades value of other species, it is hard to find a point that many agrees to a certain value of species. She argues that every species are important and valuable. However, in contradiction, Marris says that in order to protect biodiversity and for natural balance, there must be intentional killing of other species. It is inevitable to be thinking less of the species that are intentionally killed.

The second goal is to protect charisma megafauna. The first goal talked about how humans think less of certain species. At the same time, humans become more sensitive and protective with “big mammals with big eyes” (156). The megafauna of current ecosystems features more likeable characteristics and humans prioritize the value of the megafauna over other important small species.

The third goal is to slow down the rate of extinction of species. There was times that species extinct in a rapid rate and sometimes the fast extinction was cause by humans. This goal is important, however, hard to achieve at the same time. Currently, it difficult to measure the magnitude of effects that decreasing the rate of extinction of species will bring. More population of species can be a benefit or damage to the ecosystem.

The fourth goal is to protect the genetic diversity. Conserving the genetic diversity will result in more biodiversity that is beneficial to the ecosystem. Having more diversity in the nature is more favorable than have homogeny nature system.

The fifth goal is to define and defend the biodiversity. It is general theories that scope the species and the ecosystem. Marris continued as she say through the evolution with introduction of new species and extinction of species, the nature created a beautiful web that many species, genes, and environments interrelate.

The sixth goal is to maximize ecosystem services. This idea sounds unethical since species that are not noticed by humans receive a lower value. Also, species that provides resources to humans have less value since they must be killed frequently for the resources.

The seventh and the last goal are protecting the spiritual and aesthetic experience of nature. This goal suggests that people lean more towards the welfare of nature that people have memories in. Therefore, nature tour sites are more concerned by the humans when it comes to conservation.

These goals that suggest by Marris shows the future of ecosystems and also show how modern ecosystem became a problem. It seems like Marris tells the readers that humans are hypocritical when it comes to protecting and conserving species and ecosystems. People do play favorites regarding this important issue. I think it is inevitable for humans to favor, but I thin it is important for humans to acknowledge the every species in the ecosystems have high intrinsic value and play key roles in the natural balance.

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