Manhattan: Too Drunk to Drive

Overall, the graph presented above shows that a majority of New Yorkers walk and ride their bikes as transportation throughout the boroughs.  The borough with the highest concentration, as expected, is Manhattan, with over ¾ of the population walking or biking.

This graph, overall, depicts a decline in walking and biking in New York City in general.  I separated the years, and used a common variable of poverty level, which seems to have no major effect on walking and biking in the city.  Roughly, the percent of any individual who either walks or bikes is 60-70%.  Numbers have decreased though, from 2007 to 2010.

 This scatterplot states the obvious.  The lower percentage of adults who are overweight or obese, the higher percentage of people who walk or ride their bikes is.  There is a moderately negative correlation between obesity in adults and the percentage of people who ride their bikes or walk.

This graph shows the percentage of adults and youths (high school) who engage in smoking.  In adults, smoking has seen a gradual decrease from 20% to 15% from 2003 to 2010.  From 2003 to 2007 high school students have seen a decline from 15% to 8% and since then it has plateaued.

This useful tool lets us see the heavy drinkers in NY.  Interestingly enough, if you are located near the shore, you are more likely to be wasted.  Manhattan is the borough with the highest density of heavy drinkers.  Queens or Staten Island is the most sober borough.


-Chandrapaul Latchman

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