Rambunctious Garden ch 8, 9

Chapter Eight of Rambunctious Garden is focused on designer ecosystems. The main point of the chapter was that conservationists should manage ecosystems to achieve a certain goal rather than recreate a pristine ecosystem. Marris gave the example of the Galapagos penguin. The Galapagos penguin is endangered because rats that were introduced into its natural habitat eat the chicks before they can grow up. Conservationists with outdated views of conservation would try to solve this problem by trying to exterminate all the rats on the island, which is a very time consuming and costly method. Instead, conservationists started drilling holes into the rocks on the island so that the penguins can use them to nest. These holes keep the chicks safe and can allow the penguin population to recover.

Chapter Nine of Rambunctious Garden is titled “Conservation Everywhere.” The main point of the chapter is that conservation should take place everywhere, not only in secluded natural parks. Marris argues that conservation can take place in cities. She also argues that individuals can help with the process by planting native species in their backyard. While this is not as pretty as a professionally designed landscape, it is better for the environment because it increases the biodiversity in the area. Marris wants Americans to move away from the notion that nature is a pristine secluded area. She wants people to appreciate nature everywhere, even in cities, which will lead to more conservation happening in cities.

I agree with Marris’ view that conservationists should manage for a goal rather than restoring and ecosystem to the way it was in the past. This method will save a lot of money and time and will have better results than stubbornly fighting natural progression and trying to bring back the past. Marris’ view on conservation happening in cities is also an admirable one, but it will be hard to achieve. People like having backyards that look nice so it would be hard to convince them to plant native species that will bring in many insects, causing the yard to not look as pretty. A modern view of conservation is better for the world and can work if everyone is willing to participate.

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