Photo credit: Originally published in Vatican News. May 04, 2020

An elderly woman who is infected with COVID-19 is seen, separated from her son by a glass wall. Their eyes are locked and their palms are pressed up against each others’ on the glass. The lack of bright colors seems to reflect the more somber tone. The woman is wearing a large off-white scarf which fits harmoniously with her pure white hair and shirt. She is also not wearing a mask because she is in a home where she is most likely kept isolated or with other COVID patients. Her son is wearing black which contrasts with the white on the left side of the photo. Despite the stark colors, they are united by their nearly touching palms. Elders are the part of the population most at risk of dying as a result of the virus and have to take even more precautions. While these are safety measures, it causes elders to be more isolated. Their separation from loved ones is devastating, with younger members needing to stay away for the safety of elders, and elders staying away for their safety. The raised hands in the picture are a symbol of hope that loved ones will be united once more.

Photo credit: Originally published on Instagram @ourmamavillage. April 12, 2020.

A grandmother is shown meeting her grandchild for the first time during a global pandemic. The social distancing requirements aimed at keeping all parties safe and limiting the spread of the virus, is also what keeps this family on either side of the glass door. This was a photograph that was captured at the moment, without attention to lighting or composition but captures the emotions of the instant. Not only does it reflect a time of COVID-19, but will also serve as documentation for the child to look back on. The two women’s hair is similar in color and style, emphasizing their familial ties. Their looks which are concentrated on the baby also mirror one another. Rather than being a window, it feels more like a mirror: the emotions of separation and excitement for this new life is mirrored.

Photo credit: Originally published in Vox. February 28, 2020.

A woman is shown taking the temperature of an older man. Both people are wearing the blue masks that we are now so familiar with. A police officer can be seen wearing a mask while on his phone in the background. The clothing worn by the pair suggests that it might still be a bit chilly outside, however, the woman appears to be sweating. Her gloved hand also reflects this. Looking at this photo before 2020, it may be hard to tell what the woman is doing. However, with this lasting pandemic that has seen the world go into lockdown, we are all too familiar with having our temperature taken everywhere we go. This scene reflects a new normal that has developed in response to the pandemic.