Freedom is indeed not guaranteed
It is a privilege.
A privilege denied to many
A privilege that abandons our nation’s foundation
A privilege built on hypocrisy
A privilege limited to the majority.

At our national sports games, voices echo
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave
But what freedom are we talking about exactly?
Who’s freedom are we talking about exactly?

This song has been embedded in our culture
A universal symbol of the United States
Yet this song suppresses
People are presented with a freedom that has been corrupted
An illusion, in other words.
This country was never truly free
People were not free back then
And people are not free now
At least not everyone.

Maya Angelou said it best
She told us why the caged bird sings.
The caged bird longs for things unknown
The caged bird sings for his freedom
The caged bird dwells in the nation we know
The caged bird resides in the country you love.

This raises questions, I’m sure.
What is freedom in that case, if you may ask?
Freedom is independence.
Freedom is without restraint.
Freedom is what enslavement is not.
Freedom is liberty.
Freedom is power.

Freedom failed Oscar Grant in 2009
Freedom failed Trayvon Martin in 2012
Freedom failed Eric Garner in 2014
Freedom failed Freddie Gray in 2015
Freedom failed Alton Sterling in 2016
Freedom failed Ahmaud Arbury in 2020
Freedom failed Breonna Taylor in 2020
Freedom failed George Floyd in 2020


Freedom is meant to be synonymous with the United States
A symbol upon which we have pride
Yet time and time again
Our nation makes it crystal clear,
Justice is not guaranteed
Equity is not guaranteed
Democracy is not guaranteed
And most of all,
Freedom is not guaranteed.