Mosies Ramos, also known as “Mr. Boom” submitted a digital art piece of the “Beyond the Paint” exhibit. He titled this piece “The Helping Hands,” and posted it to Instagram on August 22. The Beyond the Paint exhibit, done in Worcester, Massachusetts, was a collaboration between ArtsWorchester and with the artists of the Worchester Black Lives Matter murals and held from August 14 to September 13. The art piece created by Ramos displays three fists being held up. Two of them hold paint brushes. The background of the art piece shows paint dripping. The three fists are drawn to look like dripping paint as well. The art piece highlights solidarity between the artist community and the Black Lives Matter movement. This piece works on encouraging, specifically artists, to get involved in this movement with their art works. Artists  have the power to capture history in the making with a few strokes of paint.