Rose Douek- Dominance in the String Quartet

Throughout the three performances of the string quartet, there were two violins, one viola, and one cello that worked together to construct the pieces. It was often difficult to distinguish which instrument was dominant, and that says a lot about the musicians’ talent. They became one sound and it was a pleasure to listen to, it was awesome. When I was able to tell which instrument was dominant, it was definitely the two violins. A main part of why they were dominant is because the violin is the loudest and highest-pitch instrument out of the three. Out of the two violins, there was one violinist that was the leader. He started off the pieces and the others followed after him. He was sitting on the edge of the semi-circle, on the left side. His dominance was very noticeable in the beginning of the third piece, because he started off and then the second violinist followed, then the viola, and then the cello. The cello played the deeper sound and it was kind of the background music. It wasn’t dominant, but it was definitely heard throughout. On the other hand, it was usually hard to make out the sound of the viola. The viola creates a very low sound, and it was hard to find it within the other instruments. However, when she stopped playing the viola, I then noticed the difference in sound and that proved that she did contribute a lot to the quartet.

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